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Accredited Digital Curriculum

Web-based learning is something that schools and districts should have accessible for their students in today’s world! At PuderAI, we have created a solution for your online learning needs. We work alongside educators in order to provide ways for students to excel no matter what learning environment they are in!

Let PuderAI be your #1 platform for online learning!


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A Leader in Education

PuderAI is the Solution to Online Learning!

With over a decade of experience in the educational sector, figuring out what works best for educators, parents, and students, we have developed a solution that fits the needs of every aspect of education! Our accredited curriculum has been constructed into a digital platform that supports the learning needs of students in an interactive and proven way!

We understand that there are many different ways for students to learn. Through our platform, our goal is to ensure that students are provided with the tools and skills needed to thrive in a way that fits their learning needs.  

We look forward to making a lasting impact and providing a sustainable solution for your students to excel!

Social Emotional Learning

Meeting the needs of students in order to ensure positive self-awareness and emotional maturity to improve learning!

Virtual School

Some students require a different approach to learning and a virtual school allows them to excel in a virtual setting.

Learning Gaps

Assisting at-risk and high-risk students with support in order to bring them to their necessary grade level.

Summer School

Consistent schooling opportunities can help students to thrive and complete necessary coursework.

College & Career Readiness

Instilling the importance of life skills and critical thinking skills in order to properly prepare students for their future!

Credit Recovery

Providing students with the opportunity to retake certain courses in order to earn academic credit.

Alternative Education

Not all students learn in the same way which is why we provide different learning tools to meet specific needs.

Belief Intelligence

The ability to be aware of my beliefs, understand how they serve me, and know when and how to create new ones.

Digital Curriculum

Schools and districts using the PuderAI™ digital curriculum consistently increase on-time graduation rates, improve student self-esteem, lower dropout rates, and increase exam scores. 

Our accredited digital curriculum, exceptional support staff, and cutting edge technology is sure to transform that way that your educators deliver content and the way that students learn and achieve success both inside and outside of the digital classroom.


Courses designed to meet the requirements for each student’s grade level.


Providing mentoring services to students to help encourage them to excel and achieve greatness.


Our team provides exceptional support to help your educators navigate through our platform.

Request More Info

If you are interested in learning more about PuderAI and how we can positively transform your school and/or district, then please feel free to be in touch so that someone from our team can reach out.

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